295 Time To Heal


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Welcome to Synchronicity...

How have the last few weeks been for you?

Have you been going through heavy, dense energy lately?

There’s a lot of trauma and wounds coming to the surface.

If you don’t know how to deal with them, it can be overwhelming and uncomfortable.

That is the function of this:

Bringing it to your awareness so you can

Transcend it.

Heal it.


Looking for a natural, organic way to drift off to sleepy dreamland and float through the imaginal realms? Try out the new CBD Sleep Blend at Ned and get 15% off by using offer code SYNC at check out. 


Oscillations & Investigations (3:33)

Readings intel: 

Major oscillations abound in the collective consciousness. 

If you can’t stabilize:

Don’t Freak Out

This is understandable right now.



“The encouraging thing is, as you actually honestly and introspectively look at this stuff, you really do start to heal it. So, it’s not like this thing that just tortures you or is a pattern that you're running that you have to deal with for the rest of your life. It’s asking you to investigate something” - Noah


Threshold Guardians (4:14) 

Doubt, Fear, Anxiety, Shame

These are 

Threshold Guardians:


Emotional states of being that are there to show you that you can move right past them when you have the correct approach.


The correct approach?

Going into yourself carrying some level of

Lightness, Playfulness, Curiosity.

And don’t fight shit.

If you fight it... 

You strengthen it.


Doubt, fear, anxiety, shame: These states of consciousness are all controlled by threshold guardians who are total dicks. The good news is those ominous guardians can be conquered with relative ease. Find out how on IMAGINAL TECHNIQUES #2 STABILITY / THRESHOLD GUARDIANS / PURSUIT OF LOVE


 Mars // Saturn // Square (5:03)

It’s like, Saturn is saying:

“Hey… you gotta learn some lessons young man.” - Saturn


And Mars is all like:

“Hurry up ya old fuck!” - Mars


So you may be having some

Push // Pull 



It’s totally cool.

It’s just something we are collectively processing.


Worlds (still) Colliding (5:35)

Higher dimensional levels of consciousness

5D, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D, 11D, 12D

are merging with our world.


In reality, they are always present overlaid on top of us.

But what's happening is:

A lot of us are:

Waking Up,

Removing the Veil,

Getting more sensitive to this higher dimensional consciousness,

And that’s shaping our physical reality, our external reality.


Turn the page back a few weeks and learn to flow with the higher dimensions. Experience what happens with Worlds Colliding


Pejorative Dimension // Phantom Narrative (6:26)

People have been using the term 3D pejoratively, negatively.

Don’t do that.


Don’t judge three-dimensional reality, 

regular consensus reality, 

as anything lesser than any other dimension. 

Yes, hierarchically it is a lower dimension, 

but it’s not lesser than. 

It’s not a value judgement.


“If you start doing that you’re going to fall into the same trap that a lot of people do who engage with Buddhism, Eastern Philosophies, and Psychology, where they start pinning all their troubles on the ego… this phantom narrative of what the ego is.” - Noah


The Ego Is:

An Abstraction,

A Narrative that we built,

That we identify certain characteristics with. 

But there’s nothing inherently wrong with the ego.

The ego is fine. It’s a helpful, useful tool.

If you know how to use it.

But if you don’t:Your Gonna Blame Your Problems On It.

That’s gonna make things worse for you.

It’s the same thing with 3D.

Don’t make a value judgement.

A.) It will snap back and bite you in the ass

B.) It’s just not the correct approach 


“Recognize that all these dimensions exist simultaneously and you have the ability to tap into them all the way to unity consciousness, and all the way down to a single point of awareness, whenever you want.” - Noah


You’re Already Doing It  (8:16)

Imagine getting everything you always wanted

...then realizing... 

That’s what you’ve been doing all along.


The world is constantly reflecting back to you your internal state of consciousness: 

Your Beliefs // Your Awareness


“So if you don’t like what the world is reflecting back to you…change your internal state. Do not go and try to change something out in the world. This is the classic mistake we make with most things in life. We try to fix something out there to bring ourselves inner peace, and it doesn’t ever work like that.” - Noah


As things unfold with Coronavirus, Race, & Politics

And they inflame people’s consciousness,

The tendency is to:

Blame other people

Blame the external world

Blame the system.


“That’s not negating that there are serious troubles out in the world, but if we recognize those systems are brought about by internal distortions, then we have the real tool to change what’s going on out there by changing what’s within.” - Noah


So just know you are getting everything you always wanted.

You’re always doing that.


If you don’t want these things that you’re receiving, and showing yourself, and experiencing,

Then change them.

Reject them from your reality.


That’s the beauty of knowing you don’t want something.

When you know you don’t want something, you can actually implant what you do want.

If you get fixated on what you don’t want,

You’re just going to create more of the same.


So when something comes up you don’t like:

You Don’t Have To Engage With It.


But if you have a desire for something

The goal is to

Express & Realize



It’s Virgo Season: The Devil is in the Details. Discover which energetic ties you should cut and how you can organize and plan for what's ahead : Book A Reading with Noah


Growing Pains (11:21)

Struggles and Challenges 

are Functional


Serve as amazing Catalysts


Living the Life of Your Dreams


If you have the wrong approach 

and you 

Fight, Whine, Complain 

Every time a struggle or challenge comes your way, 

Guess what’s gonna keep happening? 

Over and over again you’re gonna find yourself in those situations.


But if you recognize their function is to show you that you’re able to transcend them 

with your consciousness, with your imagination, with your awareness; 

you’re gonna fucking start to enjoy struggles and challenges, 

and then you’ve hacked a major component of life.


“If you shy away or run away from pain everytime it comes, or you run away from a challenge or struggle, and you try to cater your life to never experiencing these things, you’re missing a huge aspect of reality/duality that’s there for your benefit. You’re literally putting yourself through these situations to show yourself something.” - Noah


Healing (13:01) 

When we become aware of something that is:

Hurt, Traumatized, Wounded,

We then have the ability to heal it.

If we’re not aware of it,

That’s when things can really fester,

And turn into weird life situations, or physical ailments.


If we take the time to introspectively look at these things, then we have an opportunity to really start healing.


Persistence (13:33)

Through his Crown Chakra pains, Noah explores not giving the fuck up.


Don’t give up.

That’s the catalyst, 

the determining factor, 

for you to manifest what you want.


“If you persist in these imaginal acts, awareness, consciousness, manifestation; they will happen, and that’s an important thing. When you really accomplish something that’s miraculous, or seemingly impossible, those are the things that actually get us to believe what is going on.” -Noah


Time to Heal (15:12)

You actually have the ability to: 

Change Reality,


You can:

Change your External Reality 


Changing Your Internal State


You can actually help other people with your imagination, awareness, consciousness.


Time to Heal is not just about healing yourself. 

It’s about healing people around you too. 

But you need to start with yourself.

Stabilize. Implement.

Control Your Fire Energy.


It’s Liberating To Not Be Bothered (20:15)

Noah fanned the proverbial Tweet-flames with this hot tamale


Don’t bring politics and privilege into it.


It’s Liberating to Not Be Bothered.


This is not negating everything going on in the world.

Just don’t be bothered by it.

You can get riled up only if you get directed and you know what you are doing.

If you are getting bothered, agitated, upset, or off your rocker…

Take a step back.


Take a few plays off there, chief.


“If you think by withdrawing your awareness and attention away from something the problem will not be solved, then you really don’t understand this imagination stuff. If you think you actively have to be focusing on every single little thing out there and that's the only way; that’s the illusion of (outside) control over external reality. - Noah


Surfing The Waves of Cryptocurrency (25:11)

Money Is Illusory

If you can ride these waves of

Up // Down

And keep a positive sense while doing.

You will win over time.


Looking for a smooth entryway into cryptocurrency while gaining access to an imagination channel and other verifiably woo stuff? Join the Synchronicity Patreon for access to CryptoSync Discord server.


Have You Realized We Are Aliens and Waves Yet? (28:08)

Have you realized we are the aliens yet?

We Are The Aliens

You get that right?

We’re the ones who came from outer space and embodied into these weird skin suits.


If you really understand that:

You come from a different planet, 

You come from a different place, time and space, 


You’re gonna have a lot more fun. 

You’re going to reveal superpowers, 

Psychic stuff, Mediumship, Talents, Miracles,

It’s fucking sweet.


Have you realized you’re a wave yet?

You’re a wave.

You’re constantly in motion.

You go Up.

You go Down.

That’s not Good.

That’s not Bad.


Ride the waves.

Stabilize your flow.

But remember:

You Are Also The Wave


Where do waves begin? Where do the end?

Where does the ocean begin and the wave stop?

When you stop seeing the wave is it gone?

Where does it come from? Is it just the wind? Is it currents?


You are constantly in motion. 

You are moving through time like a wave, 

As a wave,

and if you understand that, 

You’re probably not going to get too fixated on what everything looks like all the time. 

Again, don’t negate or deny your desires as they come up, 

But certainly don’t get too caught up in external reality. 

You’re moving through it 

Up and Down.

When something’s about to hit your head:

Learn how to duck. 

When somethings going to trip you up:

Learn how to jump.Flow With It

You Are The Wave.


Past // Present // Future (35:52)

Change your Past, 

Just as easily as you change your Future,

Which is as easy as changing your Present

Which is the only moment that actually exists.


Real time travel is going back in your mind,

Finding things that happened,

And changing them.


When you feel them as changed…

That’s real.

It actually changed the past.

The emotional resonance that shapes your beliefs, shapes your being, will be substantially changed.


“This is the imaginal act, this is manifestation. Everything exists. It’s not even like reaching out and grabbing something. It’s like opening your hand and letting the thing you want, like a butterfly, fly into your hand.” - Noah


Swoop in from above with Synchronicity’s Imaginal Techniques Megamix for a review and expansion of a navigating the imaginal realms 


Women Are Cool (41:31)

They Are.

There’s a lot of 

Feminine Energy 

Percolating up for people.

Really being to:

Trust Your Intuition


Allow things to come to you.

Allow yourself to create things.

Allow yourself to destroy things.

Allow yourself to be irrational.

That’s feminine wisdom.


“Women are really walking into this beautiful period of time where these qualities and values are going to be more and more important.” - Noah

“Values will be valued.” - Also Noah


The “All The Things That Happened in Turkey Since Noah Got There” Update (43:03)

First Day: Noah unexpectedly has to drive through Istanbul

Second Day: Noah has to drive 150 mph to get to a beach town in time.

The Third Day: Hospital time with Deniz’s Grandma

The Next Day: “Only Now” whirling boat troubles on the open sea

After that: Forest fire going all nuts

Then: Back on a boat, now with Deniz’s family; again the whipping around.

Finally: Super intense scary driver situation.

Oh Yeah: Noah got dysentery 

(You know shit is real when you forget you had dysentery.)


“If you take the time to actually get to the root of why these situations are coming up, then you have the ability to transcend them. Then you’re actually getting into this healing modality rather than just reacting to things.” - Noah


Neville Goddard Time (47:20)

Look what you summoned up!

Noah elucidates some classic Goddard.

Imagine that!


“You are every receiving that which you are aware of being, and no man gives thanks for something which he has not received.” - Neville Goddard


If you can give thanks, praise, and gratitude for things you haven’t yet experienced, 

And truly feel grateful for them, 

It would be impossible to do that unless you hadn’t received it. 

So you will get those things, 

But you actually have to embody the perspective.


You’re always getting that which you are aware of being or having.


“I know it is easier to give advice and show the other person where he is wrong, than it is to acknowledge that he is only reflecting the wrong in you. It is difficult to accept the concept that the world is bearing witness to your thought, but it is true.” - Neville Goddard 


The only thing that allows you to recognize when you don’t like something:

….is because 

it’s something in



It starts with you.

Does that mean when you change yourself it will automatically change the world?

Probably not,

But you won’t be bothered by it in the same way.


“Devil’s and Satan’s are formed from man’s unwillingness to assume the responsibility of his life” - Neville Goddard


This is where we build 

Boogeymen // Monsters // Devils // Satans

These are you just

Not taking responsibility for your life.

It’s so much easier to blame the fucking devil,

Or a pattern, or programming.

It’s easier to place blame.


“If you don’t take the fundamental responsibility that you put yourself in these situations to either teach yourself or transcend something, or just to move away from something that is not pleasant for you, you’re going to keep running into those situations.” - Noah


Have You Realized You’re the Master of the Universe Yet? (53:45)

Noah just nearly evades shitting on Joe Biden to tell you:


You’re good.

You’re in control of this shit.

You are the Universe. 

It’s always you. 

“Once you loosen the shackles of what this world is, what you perceive it to be, you’re going to have a lot more latitude to do what you want to do in life. Stop wrestling with the world. It’s merely a reflection...The root power is within you.” - Noah


Thank you for listening! Please head on over to the Synchronicity Patreon for Bonus Episodes, Monthly Group Readings, Smoke Sessions, Discounts on Readings, access to the Discord Server, and early access to music and other goodies. 

Happy Imagining.

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