298 The Rope-a-Dope


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Welcome to Synchronicity...

Let’s describe the current energy:

I think the technically term is: “What the fucking fuck is going on?”

Holy Shit.

The energy is crazy right now


So, Surrender.


To manifest a radiant treasure chest of cosmic goodies into your digital life, join the Synchronicity Patreon for access to the discord server, music releases, bonus episodes, discounts on readings, and group chill sessions.


Tethering the Self & Stepping Stones (2:22)

Your Higher Self is,

Your future, best, perfect, most evolved, 

coolest fucking badass version of you.

With that Higher Self, 

Find yourself Now.

Create a tether

That pulls your current you,

Towards Your Highest Version of You.


What we perceive as potential 

Obstacles // Challenges // Difficulties

Are actually

Stepping Stones


“The trick with this shit is to recognize your belief, your awareness, and your consciousness creates reality. It is reality, quite literally. Recognize that if you’re creating realities you don’t want to be engaging with, you have the power to pull yourself out of that whenever you want.” - Noah


 Astrology and Offcenterness (3:31) 

There might some energy coming up around:

“Am I Crazy?...”

“...I thought I figured this shit out…”


It’s ok if you feel a little bit 



We have 

Mars in Aries Retrograde Action

There’s gonna be fights, confrontation, 

in personal lives, political lives, the world.


“Who gives a fuck about the world. Can we put that on a quote?” - Noah


Flip The Script // How Did I Solve It? (4:38)

When you ask, 

“What do I do to get over this?” 

“How do I fix it?”

You have to catch what you are doing.


You are creating a problem.

You’ve acknowledged a problem exists by the framing of the question.


But when you flip the script to,

“What did I do to fix it?”

“How did I solve this?”

“When did I solve it?” 

Then you’re giving your rational, analytical mind something to chew on, 

and it just goes to the task of solving it.


This is super useful in this 

Virgo-soon-to-be-Libra Season

It gives that detail-oriented, watchdog mind something to solve.


Doubt // Optimism // Blame Noah (5:55)

If you are stuck in doubt, 

If your mind is fighting the techniques, 

If your mind starts saying this sounds stupid…

You can blame Noah.

It’s why he’s Here.


“You can blame me for that. That’s what I’m here for, in case you haven’t figured it out. I’m so overly optimistic when it comes to this shit - because it is my direct experience, it continues to happen in my life - that I’ll be the one to take the hit.” - Noah


Noah recently dropped the latest Synchronicity Playlist. These playlists are good for remembering who you are. If one were to take psychedelics and listen to these, there's a good chance fun stuff will happen...You get it.


 Neville Goddard,  The Potter, & Floppy-Dick-ville (6:36)

Your mind is malleable.

It can be bent in the direction you would like to bend it in.

It’s like sculpting.


The Potter

Let’s say you are making a beautiful pot.

You’re constructing this amazing reality,

You’re manifesting the shit out of everything.

You’re fucking killing it.

You’re just nailing it.

What a beautiful world you’ve created.

And then,

You do something.

You stick your hand in some poop!

And you ruin your thing.

And it crumbles down.


The Vase-r

Now you’re making a Vase.

You are spinning the clay thing,

“Oh look at this beautiful vase I’ve done such a good job!”

And then,

You squeeze it too tight and it starts to look like a dick!

And you go,

 “Ohhh I gotta fix this thing! I want it to look like a vase! I don’t want it to be floppy-dick-ville!”

So, then you try to fix it further,

And its floppy-dick-ville even more!

The thing ends up ruined.

When it gets down to this mush, ruined thing,

You can cry and make self-value judgements,


You can reshape the fucking vase!

Build up the clay again and create.

It’s super easy.

It’s not hard if you know how to do it.


“Knowing how to do it is to know that your emotions, your convictions, your belief, and your faith literally is what summons reality.” - Preacher Noah


“Most people listen to this podcast or listen to me yammer about whatever the fuck I talk about because they recognize I’m not trying to sell you anything here. There’s no fucking prize at the end of this...Other than you understanding that this is actually how shit works. It’s completely dependent on your beliefs.” - Noah


Relationships & Astrology (10:50)

Noah talks relationships during this 

Mars Retrograde in Aries

Aries is           the Ram

Mars is       Apollo,

God of War



Lot’s of fiery,





Themes come up from past

These can pose difficulties or obstacles,

Reframe them as:

An opportunity to look at certain energies related to that 

Sign // House // Planet


Certainly, it’s worth looking up what house your Mars placements are.

It will be helpful to take a look at your chart to see where everything is lining up with the transits.


It’s Virgo Season: The Devil is in the Details. Discover which energetic ties you should cut and how you can organize and plan for what's ahead : Book A Reading with Noah


Projections // Reflections // Relationships (12:08)

Noah unveils some relationship wisdom related to:

Running projections of your deep seeded fears and insecurities off of another person.

This is something we do until we 

Make an Internal Commitment

And then

Find a Reflection 

of that Internal Commitment,

Another Person,

Who we’re willing to accept growing with...for real.

That is a really special thing to find in life.

And it doesn’t mean Fun all the time.


Soulmate Level Connections:

“I think ultimately yes, everyone is the soulmate of soulmates, but there is this deep resonate bonded commitment...where we really stop being able to run our own projections off of another person.” - Noah


Space Realizations (17:17) 

Noah continues blasting his issues across the podcast galaxy,

...This section is all about...


And it’s not what you’re thinking there Buzz Lightyear....

Noah’s talking about,

Recognizing the relationship between

Personal Space          //          Individual Space

For Creation // To Be Alone // To Exercise // Etc,

Inside of a Relationship. 

Find the Balance

Integrate in


Communicate boundaries.


“Recognize you may be going through these similar issues related to boundaries, getting triggered, doubting whether you’re ready to grow and move past something; All of these things truly are opportunities regardless of outcome.” - Noah


The Manifestation Paradox (20:02)

The more you try to manifest and create something, 

The more you need to understand the subtleties at play that allows it to manifest,

The less you focus on something, 

but have the 

Attention // Emotion // Conviction // Faith, 

The sooner and easier it is to manifest.

Manifest = Experience It With Your Senses In The World.


That’s the Manifestation Paradox.


Harness your Attention, Emotions, Conviction, and Faith to manifest your dreams with the Imaginal Techniques Megamix; your condensed, digitized source for imaginally manifesting your reality.


What Is Love? (20:33)

Noah explores the visceral, qualitative aspects of conditional vs unconditional love


Relationships will give you

 Exactly what you need, 

When you need it, 

When you’re ready for it.


“Ultimately, I think everything is an express of love. I don’t think that it’s just this one thing that we define, but there are certainly what seem to be more powerful, visceral, tangible connections of love that can seemingly come out of nowhere.” - Noah


Be Your Own Saviour (24:54)

Noah hammers home one of the most important concepts of this time:


You Need To Be Your Own Saviour


You really do need to save yourself.

As soon as you make that internal commitment

 That you’re in charge of your own shit,

That you’re going to be the best version of yourself, 

That is the connection between you and your higher self. 

That’s you stepping into the

Embodied Wisdom of Your Higher Self.

From there,

You will find many helpers out in reality, 

All willing to help you on that path.

Stay in Resonance in the Belief that you know what you’re doing.


That’s what a lot this podcast is about.

It’s like popping out of the Matrix.

....For Real…

Shit might seem a little nuts,

Then you Stabilize,


Click into the 

Life Of Your Dreams


That’s when you really start testing yourself.

These are the waves.

You don’t want to have the fear of getting knocked off a wave…

If you want to ride badass waves…    ...You just wanna ride badass waves!

You don’t wanna get knocked off…     ...It’s fun you wanna coast the waves!

Make yourself the commitment...     ...That you are the best version of yourself!

That you deal with situations… ....No matter what arises, in exactly the best way!

As things come up…   ....Deal with them appropriately, deal with them wisely. 

If you exhibit behavior.... ...that’s out of resonance with who you believe yourself to be,

Hold Yourself Accountable.


“As you do these things, as you heal from these things, you just get better at A.) Understanding what you actually want, the desires you're getting in touch with, and B.) You’ll be able to effectively deal with challenging energy as it comes your way too.” - Noah


“We’re here primarily because most of us have the internal fortitude to work through this shit, to truly work through some of this dense energy. By working through it, I mean being aware of it, having the proper perspective, being able to transmute it into positive shit.” - Noah


When you pop out of the Matrix

Realize what is going on.



Ride the waves of oscillation, stabilize imaginally, and get in touch with your own intuitive powers to heal yourself, your friends, your ancestors, and the world. It’s Time To Heal.


Figuring Out Who You Are (34:42)

Are you going nuts?

No.     This is reality.

This is the best time ever to figure out who the fuck you are.

I’ll give you a hint:      God.

You are literally everything.


“You are literally sharing a holographic drug induced delusion - air is the drug. You breathing this shit right now? That’s the thing that’s keeping you in this world. This delusion is making us think this is solidly real, and it’s pretty fucking convincing.” - Noah


Looking for more awesome holographic shit to put in your body that makes you feel good? Try out some proper Full Spectrum CBD from Ned and get 15% off by using offer code SYNC at checkout. 


 Good Goddard for Proper Podcasting (38:35)

Remember that time you manifested Noah pulling some classic Neville Goddard from the ethereal web-space of your own expansive subconscious? (also know as Twitter)

Here it is.

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“It is not a strong will that sends the subjective word on its mission, so much that it is a clear thinking and feeling the truth of this state affirmed.” - Neville Goddard


What would you need to 

See // Believe // Feel 

to affirm something is True?


If you had the life of your dreams:

How would you talk?

What would you say?

How would people react to you?

What would they say to you?


Circle through people in your life and see how they would react to you.

It’s not strength of will.

---   ---   ---

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“Confident expectation of the state is the most potent means of bringing it about.” - Neville Goddard


Fear can manifest things, 

but fear is not as powerful as

Confident Expectation.

---   ---   ---

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“Too little emotion, or too much intellect, both of which are stumbling blocks in the way that prayer cannot believe that which our senses deny.” - Neville Goddard


If we have too little emotion, or too much intellect,

We are going to take our senses as making everything true.

Unless our senses line up,

We won’t believe shit.

But if we can find balance,

It really is your emotion and belief that summons it forth.


You Gotta Be You // Summon Yourself (43:20)

Surrender Your Bullshit.

You gotta be You.

Don’t run away from any aspect of You,

Because You Are Fucking Amazing.

That’s the truth.

When you fuck up       Own your shit.

When you do great         Be Humble.

Summoning your dream life doesn’t mean turbulence won’t arise.

The turbulence is there to strengthen yourself internally.


“You can summon a state of utter perfection and bliss, and still go through some shit. The shit does not mean you are doing something wrong. The shit doesn’t mean you failed in some way. None of it does. But it may be there to strengthen your internal sense of conviction of who you are and the life you want to be living.” - Noah.


Encore! Encore! Encore! (49:24)

Noah nearly wraps it up… but we swiftly evade that because it looks like your subconscious summoned up ten extra minutes.

It’s like the encore at a concert. Really take it in.


“Let’s keep fucking going...How about that?! Having Fun, double-cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon!” - Noah

---   ---   ---

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“Right now, imagine something lovely for another. They need never know who was the cause of their fortune. Forgive everyone for everything they have ever done because you may have been the one who was the cause of their action.” - Neville Goddard


You can imagine amazing things for other people,

And you don’t have to explicitly tell them.

Watch those things happen for them.

And feel really good.

You can just bless people whenever you want.

That’s fun.

Also, forgiving people for everything they’ve ever done is a straight up savvy move.

 ---   ---   ---

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“It is not what you want that you attract. You attract what you believe to be true.” - Neville Goddard


For real:

Do you believe in the most,





 Most Badass, 

Best Thing Ever?

This is the Best Timeline.

All Your Dreams Are Coming True.


Thank you for listening! Please head on over to the Synchronicity Patreon for Bonus Episodes, Monthly Group Readings, Smoke Sessions, Discounts on Readings, access to the Discord Server, and early access to music and other goodies. 

Happy Imagining.
