Episode 87 - Money, Power, Ayahuasca and Miracles with Gerard Powell

What happens when you have more money than you know what to do with, have achieved success at the highest level and are totally and utterly miserable?As someone who has not gone through the above experience I had a particularly illuminating conversation with someone who has.My guest this week is Gerard Powell, founder of Rhythmia which is the first medically licensed plant medicine retreat center in the world.Not too long ago Gerard sold a company he owned for $94 million in cash.He was also injecting Demerol on a daily basis and on the verge of suicide.So what turned this self-professed "top 5 asshole in the world" in to one of the most open-hearted and open-minded people I've spoken to on Synchronicity?Well, I guess you'll just have to listen to the episode to find out.🙂

Gerard is also featured in the new documentary, "The Reality of Truth" which you can watch for free right here.