Episode 40 - Lily Cushman

Lily Cushman is my wonderful and oh so lovely guest this week.To try and describe Lily in just a few short sentences would be a fruitless endeavor because it's impossible. She does way too many cool and diverse things. But shit, I'll try.Lily is Sharon Salzberg's assistant, owner and runner of Brooklyn Yoga School, label head of Vanaras Records and a proud Berklee alum. She's also one of the coolest and nicest people I've ever met.We Discuss

  • Berklee College of Music
  • DAW's (digital audio workstations)
  • Lily Moving to New York a week before 9/11
  • The shifting landscape of the music industry
  • Noah's first time LSD story
  • Tapping into the mysteries of life
  • Brooklyn Yoga School
  • Yoga
  • Emerging music industry models
  • Kirtan
  • The pitfalls of chasing a positive experience
  • The Mind
  • Working with Sharon Salzberg
  • The importance of lineage
  • The lack of structure surrounding Western Dharma teachers

 This weeks book giveaway is "Women" by Charles Bukowski. Join the Synchronicity Community and you're entered in the book giveaway contest every week.